Technical Dive Guiding

As a technical diving instructor and instructor trainer for over 10 years, I’ve worked with thousands of divers across deep, shallow cold, and warm dive sites. Divers who need a buddy, lack confidence after a time out of the water, or just want a professional introduction to a new dive site often look for a dive guide.

When guiding dives, my focus is making sure we mitigate risk and have a good time. That starts with good communication above and below the water, knowledge of the dive site, and equipment familiarity.  I only guide at sites which I’m very familiar to give you the best possible experience. Operators and fill stations are vetted and the same ones I use for conducting classes.

Divers planning dive

I offer guiding services in all diving environments:

  • Cave Diving
  • CCR Diving
  • Shipwreck Diving

I also offer gear pickup, fills, and rentals. You can be as involved as you want, or simply show up to the dock ready to go diving.